Additional Bouquet


Whether it’s just for your bestie or whole bride tribe, these additional bouquets will add a beautiful pop of flower to your day.

Select your favourite colour palette from the drop down menu below, and our florists will get to work, using only the best seasonal blooms available.

The beauty pictured is an example of our Hint Of Tint colour palette, with Purple as the chosen colour. The flowers used for each order will vary from this example, depending on seasonal availability.

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Whether it’s just for your bestie or whole bride tribe, these additional bouquets will add a beautiful pop of flower to your day.

Select your favourite colour palette from the drop down menu below, and our florists will get to work, using only the best seasonal blooms available.

The beauty pictured is an example of our Hint Of Tint colour palette, with Purple as the chosen colour. The flowers used for each order will vary from this example, depending on seasonal availability.

Whether it’s just for your bestie or whole bride tribe, these additional bouquets will add a beautiful pop of flower to your day.

Select your favourite colour palette from the drop down menu below, and our florists will get to work, using only the best seasonal blooms available.

The beauty pictured is an example of our Hint Of Tint colour palette, with Purple as the chosen colour. The flowers used for each order will vary from this example, depending on seasonal availability.

Please note that we need at least 72 hours to prepare your wonderful wedding day florals.